
Mulut Orang

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International Students' Life - Biz.Com

One in the evening, we had conduct an interview with 2 of the international students in UNIMAS. They are Roosevelt Adhiputra a.k.a Roy and Musa Yaldiz a.k.a Musa. The interview session was held at CAIS 24/7 room.

Name Roosevelt Adhiputra
Age 19 years
Date of Birth 28th August 1991
Nationality Indonesia - Jakarta

  • Junior High School (3 years)
  • Senior High School (3 years)
  • Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Bachelor Degree in Business Administration (Marketing)

  • How does he feel at UNIMAS?

    We had choose one of the international student UNIMAS. His name is Roosevelt Adhiputra or just can call him, Roy. He felt so happy at UNIMAS. His study also okay and he does not have any problem especially in communicate. He can speak fluently in English and Bahasa Sarawak. However, he not fluently speaks in Bahasa Melayu. He has many friends and most of them are Non-Muslims. He loves the environment at UNIMAS, naturally beautiful with the green surrounding.

    with Indonesia student

    What are the experiences he gets from UNIMAS?

    Roy loves to sports. The most he likes is kayak, at UNIMAS’s lake. He joined Kayak club UNIMAS and he one of the committee. He also joined the inter-college competition Citrawarna for Allamanda College. In UNIMAS, the facilities are complete. He feels comfortable and happy in using the facilities. However, he has the difficulties to move around because of no transportation especially when he wanted to go outside of UNIMAS.
    Other general experiences...

    He loves to go for tour. He had been gone to Bau, Sarawak. He followed his friends and he learnt about the culture of Dayak committee at Bau. For him, when he went to others’ places, he can know about the culture especially about the foods, traditions etc. At Sarawak, he loves to eat Laksa Sarawak. Roy was very sporting during the interview session. He gives full commitment to us and we are happy for it. =)

    Name Musa Yaldiz
    Age 22 years
    Date of Birth 7th December 1989
    Nationality Turkey, North Western

  • High School
  • Anatolia University, Turkey (1 year)
  • European University of Lefke (English Course - 1 year)
  • Universiti Malaysia Sabah (Malay & English Course - 6 months)
  • Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Bachelor Degree in Business Administration (Marketing)

  • Musa’s expectation to UNIMAS...

    The first thing that Musa told about UNIMAS is the environment of the UNIMAS is really comfort for them to study but the weather is a bit hot in Malaysia compare to his country. Then, Musa also said that UNIMAS is better than his previous university. The management in UNIMAS is more proper and easy to deal with the departments in UNIMAS to solve their problem about their study.

    Why he choose UNIMAS as his study place?

    The reason he’s study at UNIMAS is he want to study with his brother that chosen Malaysia for them to study. They come to Universiti Malaysia Sabah to study English and Malay language. Then, they search the information about university in Malaysia and lastly they choose UNIMAS to further they study. He loves to join activity that organized by UNIMAS for the student such as Foreign Night. He hope wants to be one of Liaison Officer (L.O) person who assist the new student in orientation session and also translator for the students that come from his same country. He does not have any problem with his study.

    What Musa feels when he went to UNIMAS?

    with Turki student

    Musa also knows more about Malaysia by searching internet before him come to Malaysia such as Malaysia history, current issues and every part of Malaysia. He also knows a little about Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia culture and custom from his Malaysian friends. Musa also can speak Malay language very well and he communicates by using Malay language with most of his friends. Then, Musa also already go to all part in Malaysia but the most places that he like is Sabah because of the food, beach and the people at Sabah are really friendly. His favourite food in Malaysia is durian. Musa said that his country doesn’t have durian and he really like the taste of durian. We are really happy when during the interview. He was so sporting and loves to share about himself. =)

    with Turki student

    THANK YOU FOR VISITING TO OUR BLOG!!! Please come again!!

    with Turki student
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leenda
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kak Tqah
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nana
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jihan
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roxanne
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sania
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steph

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